
field with Russian thistle

As the tumbleweed turns

The biology and effective management strategies for Russian thistle in the Pacific Northwest.
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Where did our wheat markets go?

Wheat Life Magazine market analyst perspectives from a career in global wheat markets
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cookies made of soft white wheat

Return on investment

Training and technical support contribute to the growing demand for soft white wheat in Southeast Asia.
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Wheat harvesting with dam in background

Ag leadership corner

PNWA's Neil Maunu sits down with the WGC to discuss maintaining our region’s transportation systems and advancing the goals of Washington’s farmers.
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New varieties provide herbicide options

Dr. Clark Neely, extension agronomist and lead for Cereal Variety Testing at Washington State University, presents a summary of the winter wheat variety trails.
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Renewing the future of ag

Academy provide students with hands-on exploration of STEM-related careers.
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