Washington Small Grains – Research and Breeding

Take a closer look into the research and breeding programs that make Washington’s wheat and barley a cut above.

Washington State University located in Pullman, Wash., is a land-grant university dedicated to advancing the state’s agriculture industry, including wheat and barley, through education and research.

Pullman is home to world-class wheat and barley breeders, researchers, and research facilities at Washington State University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service.

For over 60 years, the Washington Grain Commission has provided funding from wheat and barley growers for projects and facilities to ensure farmers have access to varieties with the best agronomic and end-use quality.

Breeders and researchers listen to farmers’ and customers’ feedback to ensure they are developing high-yielding, disease and pest resistant varieties that will provide the best quality for milling and baking.

It takes 10-12 years to develop a variety that farmers can grow. During that time, the variety will go through rigorous evaluations in the greenhouse, laboratories and the fields to ensure only the best quality is selected.

One element of quality evaluation includes milling and baking analysis which will determine whether the end-use quality meets buyers’ needs.

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